So after all the media coverage I have had a sudden urge to write a bunch of blogs. Hopefully this means I will finally get my act together and write weekly like I intended in the beginning. Anyways I felt this topic was the most urgent to be covered and so I am writing it first.
As many know, the media tends to take a story and run with it. Well that is definitely what has happened with our story. While many of the sources have reported our story mostly correct. I have found there are quite a few glaring issues with their facts. First and foremost, my best friend Charlie Fackelman was not the driver that night. He was a passenger in the vehicle and he was the one who lost his life that horrible night. I am not sure who reported it incorrectly first but I have seen in most articles that they have him as the driver. He was not, just a passenger.
Secondly, and I have only seen this on facebook but Jared and I did not meet while I was in the hospital. We met while we were visiting the lovely Brianna Mullinger in the hospital. Our romance started 4 years after my accident.
And finally, I feel like many of the stories have failed to add that although I walked down the aisle I still use my chair 100% of the time. The only reason I was able to walk was with the aid of full length leg braces (KFOs). They lock at my knee and I require the walker to help hold me up. It is incredibly difficult to do and I wouldn't be able to use the braces anywhere other than controlled situations or special occasions. I have spent the last 6 1/2 years working my ass off at therapy to achieve what I did on August 10th. I wanted to clear this up because I have received many facebook messages from newly injured people wondering if they will walk again, like I did, but in reality I can't walk. I am still paralyzed and still require a chair always. Not to take hope away from those who may have the chance to walk. I have seen many people regain some form of function. But my reality is a chair, well until these scientists get their acts together and figure out a cure.
Also, just because I am living my life from a wheelchair it obviously doesn't mean I won't live a long full filling life. I am pursuing my dreams of becoming a counselor, I plan to have a family (with at least 3 children), and finally I married an amazing man who brings nothing but joy to my life every single day. These are all things I thought would never happen while I was laying in the hospital days after the accident but with hard work I made my life into the perfect life I dreamed of.
I hope this clears things up for some and answers some questions. Well look for the next installment!!!