So thinking of topics to write about is much harder than I thought it would be, but also I don't want this blog to be a one way street. Aka me just preaching for however many paragraphs, I want it to be a discussion and full filling for all involved, including me. So I have decided that I would like to start dedicating at least one blog a week or month to answer questions that you guys have for me! Any thing at all, I say all subjects are fair game. Like I have and always will say knowledge is power and me being private about my life won't help anybody, especially me. Email me any questions to my gmail account, this way the email will go straight to my phone and I will be able to stay on top of this.
Alright guys bring on the questions, I know you all have ones you are dying to ask me and I can tell you I am dying to answer them. I love contributing to someone gaining more knowledge that will allow them to become a more aware citizen. I should also give credit a certain blogger who I enjoy reading his posts for giving me this idea.... You know who you are. :)
still fielding questions?